One is a prominent Latina female. The other is trying to get into the Supreme Court. You be the judge as to who will have a longer lasting effect on the American people.
My vote is with Zoe. She is from the Dominican Republic and is a living embodiment of the richness of African culture that came to the Caribbean and still influences the culture there. And she looks extremely hot in the Starfleet issue miniskirt and booties. A worthy successor to the lovely Communications Officer, Lt. Nichelle Nichols, and I believe Zoe speaks fluent Spanish.
On the other hand, we have an outspoken, intelligent Latina female, Sonia Sotomayor. She has been called a “racist” by the right-wing but I do not concur. From her isolated comments, I make her out to be more of a mysandrist1 But she is going into a Supreme Court slot that is being vacated by another liberal-leaner, Justice Souter, so her positions2 should not make much of a difference in upcoming court decisions. She will be outspoken, though, so it will be nice to hear a strident counterpoint to the pontificating statements of conservative Justice Scalia.
My score:
Zoe Saldana (1) for a fantastic Star Trek franchise debut.
Sonia Sotomayor (-1) for inflamatory statements that were issued when she was not open to micro-scrutiny as she is now. Once she gets coronated as a Justice, I’ll reset her at (0). I’ll give her (+2) rightaway if she trounces Scalia at the weekly Supreme Court Poker game. 3
According to the IMDB, Zoe is half Puerto Rican, born in NJ, and loves sci fi films. It’s kismet.
Is she also half Dominican ?? A little cross-island romance sounds like a fairy tale come true. If you can, give me a location in Jersey, so that I may make a pilgrimage next time I’m there…..
Give her a (+2) for home-state moxie. For the bachelors in our audience: she already has a boyfriend. Too bad.