First Post

After much struggling with the misnamed eZpublish, I’ve decided to switch to Movable Type. Maybe now I’ll get some writing done.

eZpublish has the most non-intuitive template language I’ve come across (this coming from an OO Perl programmer), and has no formal documentation – only what users feel like contributing. My guess is that they hope you’ll buy their consulting services.

It’s a shame, because it’s quite powerful, and allows you to set the visibility of every site object based on users/groups/roles, which is perfect for members-only content. I could have probably gotten by with one of their pre-built example sites, but even that would have taken a while to configure, and it’d look like, well, an example site. My sense of aesthetics and individuality (read: elitism) wouldn’t allow it.

Hopefully people will visit the site, even without the nude horse galleries.