Diet Sodas That Don’t Taste Like Ass

For most of my life, I’ve hated diet sodas. Sacharine/Sweet & Low tasted especially horrible, but Aspartame/Nutrasweet didn’t taste great, either. Diet Coke and other colas taste pretty foul to me, and I love Coke. Friends have told me that all I have to do is choke down the stuff daily for 3 months, then you can stomach it no problem. I’ll pass. However, a few diet sodas have managed to taste really close to their non-diet counterparts:

  • Diet Minute Maid Orange The first diet soda I really enjoyed, very close to the original, but almost impossible to find in can form these days. I occasionally see it in 2-liter bottles.
  • Diet Sunkist A very good substitute for Minute Maid Orange.
  • Diet Sprite, aka Sprite Zero Nearly identical to the original. They are getting on the low carb bandwagon, rebranding it as “Zero”. Great for me, as it’s carried in 7-11 now, and I’m occasionally seeing in vending machines.
  • Diet Cherry 7-Up What I like to call a Shirley Temple in a can. Not very manly, but tastes great. Note that I have not included Diet (regular) 7-up, that misses the mark.
  • Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi This is pretty groundbreaking for me. I’ve long been a champion of Coke in the cola wars, and I’ve outright hated all diet colas (only Diet Rite came anywhere close, and still not close enough for me). Regular Coke meant less sweet, more carbonation; Pepsi tastes too flat. But in diet sodas, less sweet tastes wrong. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi still needs the carbonation of Coke, but flavor wise it’s an achievement. Almost no diet taste. Can’t say the same for Diet Cherry Coke, which still has a ways to go. As for carbonation, if you’re just drinking a can, there isn’t much time for it to get any flatter. Worth it just for the caffeine, which none of the other sodas in the list have.
  • Coca-Cola C2 This is great while it lasts. I think this tastes very close to regular Coke, and makes an excellent substitute. Unfortunately, it looks like both this and Pepsi Edge (never tried it) have lost millions for their companies. The problem is, they wanted to capitalize on the various low carb diets, which prescribe zero sugars, not just lower carbohydrates. Half isn’t close to zero. Still at the supermarket, but my local vending machine has been sold out of it for some time, and it doesn’t seem to be getting replenished.
  • Coke Zero and Cherry Coke Zero Nowadays, I probably drink more Cherry Coke Zero than anything else. There is just something about cherry that masks/softens the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners. Coke Zero isn’t bad, and it’s finally arrived in a few soda fountains, most notably movie theaters.

Now, if we could just get more of these into vending machines, instead of the foul Diet Vanilla/Lemon/Lime Coke/Pepsi/Dr. Pepper permutations that currently fill them.

2 thoughts on “Diet Sodas That Don’t Taste Like Ass”

  1. Nice to hear from a fellow Coke follower. I’ve converted my wife, run surveys at work and constantly pick on the Piss drinkers. Oops, I mean Pepsi drinkers. Sorry for the typo.
    Do some surveys of your own and you’ll find that Pepsi drinkers will temporarily convert for the right sale price. REAL Coke drinkers don’t even look at the price tag. There is no other choice…
    Check this out. No bull, I go throught about 6 12oz(mini) bottles EVERY day. True drinkers don’t do cans and can taste the difference. Glass rules, but tough to stock. I can taste if a bottle has been frozen and unfrozen or has been sitting for too long. Won’t drink anything with more than 20% fizz loss. I have a mini fridge next to my bed for midnight roll-over consuming.
    Do you know about the hard-to-achieve 31 degree frosted effect? Coke ambrosia.

    Acceptable substitutes when Coke is out… Dr Pepper, Cherry Coke, Barqs root beer(the only major brand with caff)

  2. Your rank in the cola wars is way higher than mine, I’m a Sargeant at best. Sounds like you’re bucking for General! I agree with your subs except Dr. Pepper, to me it tastes like something when horribly wrong at the Coke factory, instead of a unique beverage. And I don’t know why more root beers don’t have caffeine, I think anything a shade of brown should.

    I have to say, back when I was a poor college student, I’d guy Pepsi if it was on sale, but that changed as soon as I was gainfully employed.

    72oz. of Coke a day is hardcore. During Lent, I gave up sweets including beverages, and it really hit home how much soda I normally drink. Nowadays a small Coke at a restaurant is 16-24 oz., and I always get a refill. If I ate out twice, that’s at least 64oz., or a half gallon! That’s 800 calories (minus light ice), just in sugar, assuming 16oz. It could get up to 1000 cal., 1/2 your RDA. Since then, I’ve tried to make more of an effort to cut down on the sugared stuff, don’t want to flirt with diabetes. Then again, I’m about twice your size 🙂

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